Monthly Archives: August 2024

The Dead Box

This column first appeared in June 2013. “I have to get you your inheritance,” my mother joked. “It’s in the dead box.” “Mom: I don’t want to talk about the dead box.” “You need to know what to do when I’m dead,” my mother grumbled. She handed me my inheritance: … Read More

Johnny and June Carter Cash’s Home: Nashville’s Graceland, Part 2

After reading Part 1 of this article, it should come as no surprise that Johnny and June Carter Cash’s beloved Lake House has a mystique all its own. Johnny and June lived happily in the house for some 35 years. When they died (four months apart) in 2003, it sat … Read More

100 Years Ago: Aug. 30-Sept. 5

From The Indianapolis Times, Monday, September 1, 1924: 10,000 labor union members gathered at the State Fairground today for a celebration of Labor Day. For the first time the annual parade was done away with in favor of an outdoor affair to coincide with the opening of the State Fair. … Read More

Epilogue Players Open Season with “Night Watch” Sept. 12-22

INDIANAPOLIS — Epilogue Players will present Night Watch, written by Lucille Fletcher and directed by Catherine Mobley from Sept. 12-22. Thursday to Saturday performances are at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday matinees are at 2:00 p.m. Ticket Prices are $16 for general admission, $14 for seniors and students, and Thursday performances … Read More