Gaia Works, IHS Benefit from Ghost Tours

Al Hunter, historian and leader of the Irvington Ghost Tours in October, recently donated proceeds from the 2013 tours to local organizations.

photo by Rhonda HunterAl Hunter presents a check to Jan DeFerbrache for Gaia Works.

photo by Rhonda Hunter
Al Hunter presents a check to Jan DeFerbrache for Gaia Works.

Al donates the proceeds of the tours to local charities every year.  The tours attract thousands of people to the Irvington area, generating interest in the historical nature of the neighborhood, and its exciting present-day growth. As a way of giving back to the community, he donates to charities that help others, and promote the preservation of history.
Al Hunter is also a columnist at the Weekly View, discussing overlooked historical tidbits, ghost and paranormal activities, historical figures, and much more. His popular articles appear weekly.