Howe Flags 1941 to 1995

IRVINGTON — From 1941 to 1995, each Howe High School class designed and constructed a unique flag. Rich colors, and geometric designs differentiated each year. Did the design have a meaning or was it just an attractive symbol? That has been lost in time. When the school closed in 1995, items that IPS did not plan to move were retrieved by the Howe Alumni Association and the Irvington Historical Society. A collection of class flags is one of those treasures.
Howe opened its doors in 1938 and was named after a former president of Butler University.
To welcome the re-opening of Howe as an IPS IB World middle school, all the flags will be exhibited at the Bona Thompson from June 1 through September 29, 2024. To place each flag in history, they will be hung with Howe pictures from that year and a historical event.
Howe Middle School neighbors can learn of their new school’s history, Howe Alumni can walk down memory lane, and Irvingtonians can celebrate the re-energized school by visiting the exhibit at the Bona Thompson, 5350 University Avenue.
The Bona Thompson is open each weekend from 1- 4 or by special appointment. Check the Web page,, for more information or to rent the facility.