From The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, December 13, 1922: Despite vigorous protest by a large delegation of colored citizens against the establishment of a separate high school for colored pupils, the Indianapolis board of school commissioners voted unanimously last night to include such a building in the high school construction program. The instruction committee recommendation pointed out that there are 800 colored children scattered among three high schools which is a number sufficient to warrant a separate building, and removal of these pupils would relieve high school congestion. In protesting this action, Dr. Abraham King charged “insidious forces” were behind the move for segregation and these forces “have spread to your Chamber of Commerce.” Rev. Henry Herod asked to what extent the matter of segregation will be carried. “Will the advocates of segregation want ‘Jim Crow’ street cars next?” he demanded.
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- This Week’s Issue: March 14-20
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- Nazis at Arsenal Tech…What?, Part 1
- Love Like David Benefit Concert
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