An Artist Gathering on Nov. 5

INDIANAPOLIS — Local artisans will gather for the annual “An Artists Gathering in the Garden” on Saturday, Nov. 5 from noon-4 p.m. (rain date Sunday, Nov. 6, same hours) at 5295 E. Pleasant Run Parkway S. Drive. Multiple artists will offer paintings, florals, lon needle pine baskets, holiday ornaments, jewelry and much more.
Local artist Ranjani Larman’s unique fiber art will be highlighted. She practices wet felting and eco printing, creating unique pieces such as purses that are formed as one piece and not sewn except to attach the frame. Eco printing is the practice of transferring pigments from flowers and leaves to a fabric-making print. The effect is beautiful and no two pieces are exactly alike.
In addition, there will be fresh baked goods available at the show.