Epilogue Players Present “The Wild Women of Winedale” to June 20

INDIANAPOLIS — Epilogue Players presents The Wild Women of Winedale a hilarious and touching comedy, directed by Jim Thorp which opens Thursday June 10, and runs until Sunday June 20. Thursday to Saturday performances are at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday matinees are at 2:00 p.m. Reservations and ticket information can be found on our website: www.epilogueplayers.com.  Reservations are required due to capacity limitations.
This comedy focuses on three women at crossroads in their lives — the Wild sisters of Winedale, Virginia — Fanny and Willa and their frustratingly quirky sister-in-law, Johnnie Faye. This feisty and fun-loving trio has supported and cheered one another through life’s highs and lows through the years, including the early demise of two of their husbands. And they really need each other now as Fanny experiences a hilariously inappropriate reaction to her 60th birthday while Willa is so stressed out from her nursing job she resorts to vodka and speed-knitting to cope and Johnnie Faye, determined to put her year of fraught widowhood behind her, desperately tries to find a man — preferably a man with a house since hers is somewhere at the bottom of a Florida sinkhole.
Tickets are $16 for general admission, $14 for seniors and students, $13 for Epilogue members, and $10 for Thursday performances for everyone. They can be purchased online at epilogueplayers.com/reservations-2/