Yes, We’re Open!

The antique malls of Indiana took a hard hit this past spring. Many of them were closed for 3 months and reopening came at considerable cost. But, you can’t keep good people down and our Hoosier antiques shops are back and ready for the summer crowds. So, put on your walking shoes and your favorite mask and let’s go shopping!
Midland Arts & Antiques, located at 907 E. Michigan St. in the heart of Indianapolis, has been a favorite haunt of collectors and designers from across the county since it opened in 2004. Currently it houses the collections of over 200 independent dealers offering both authentic and reproduction furniture, primitives, Industrial and MCM home decor and a huge selection of collectibles and unique gift ideas and decorator pieces. The atmosphere provided by this one-time warehouse makes the perfect setting for a great shopping experience. For pictures of their merchandise, hours and upcoming events go to
The award-winning Southport Antique Mall, 2028 E. Southport Rd. on the south side of Indy, is entering its 26th year as one of the top malls in the tri-state area. Here you will find the acquisitions of 200 dealers spread over 32,000 square feet. In addition to their many booths they feature a “case room” filled with over 100 glass showcases filled with collectibles. Furniture and home decor categories include; MCM, Primitive, Retro, classic antiques and vintage repurposed/up-cycled items. Looking for vintage clothing? Look no further. The upper level of the Mall is home to “The Vintage Gypsy,” a vintage clothing and accessory shop that draws shoppers from across the country. Southport is open 7 days a week, Monday-Saturday 11-7 and Sunday 12-5 (except for major holidays). New arrivals, special discounts and pictures of their items for sale are featured daily on their Facebook page.
Exit 76 Mall is located at 76B exit off I-65 South in Edinburgh, Indiana. One of the largest malls in the Midwest, with over 600 dealers filling 72,000 square feet, this is definitely an all-day shopping adventure. fine Furniture is in abundance here with styles varying from trendy Mid-Century Modern to classic antiques. Artisan crafts and recycled items, plus collectibles from dozens of categories, make certain there is something for everyone. Don’t be intimidated by the size of this facility. Rest stations throughout the building, convenient shopping carts and baskets as well as a highly trained staff make maneuvering this one-level mall a pleasure.
Gilley’s, 5789 E. US Highway 40 in Plainfield, Indiana, has long been known for their fine selection of antiques, but now they offer even more. Three years ago the new ownership changed the name to “Gilley’s Antique and Decorator Mall” and they are living up to that new image. In addition to their antiques and collectibles you will now find a nice selection of up-cycled painted pieces, project pieces, and primitive Farm House decor. The two offerings are set on separate sides of the mall to assist you in finding exactly what you are searching for. In total they cover 25,000 square feet with plenty of parking and a very friendly staff. Hours of operation are 10-5 daily 360 days a year. Take a look at their Facebook page to see their current offerings.
The Red Barn Antique Mall, located at 215 W Highway 62 in Corydon, Indiana, is home to some of the best antiques and primitives in central Indiana. Rustic furnishings, quilts, treenware, stoneware, advertising signs, tools and unique “country” finds fill this three floor renovated barn. As an added bonus, old metal tractor wheels, iron beds, antique concrete urns, galvanized tubs and troughs are in abundance at their outdoor garden area. Feel like getting away from the city? A trip to Corydon just might be the answer. For directions and more information visit them on Facebook at
Well, that should be enough to get you started. Happy hunting! Until next time . . . Linda

Linda Kennett is a professional liquidation consultant specializing in down-sizing for seniors and the liquidation of estates. Linda is not taking clients at this time.