Weekly View Offers Short Term Subscriptions, GoFund Me

With libraries, restaurants, and many other places closed, the Weekly View may be hard to find. You can make it easy by taking out a subscription! That way you are guaranteed a paper every week, and you help support our small, independent business!
Papers will be delivered either by hand or via first-class mail (mail delivery will take 1-2 days). Call 317-356-2222 to start your subscription for yourself or a loved one!
A 12 week subscription is only $24.
We honor Visa, MasterCard, and Discover, or you can pay with a check via mail. Our address is 195 N. Shortridge Rd., Suite D., Indianapolis IN 46219. Make checks payable to Eastside Voice.
If you would like to make a donation to help support our newspaper, we have set up a GoFundMe page at https://bit.ly/2X4pqBV
Please continue to support our advertisers as best you can. They are small business people like us, and their success is important to everyone.
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, or taken out a subscription. We appreciate your support!