Weekly View Marks 11th Anniversary!

On March 13, 2009, the Eastside Voice hit the streets. Yes, we were in the middle of the Great Recession, starting a newspaper, of all things. For years, experts said that the news industry had no future, and especially print publications were dead. Almost immediately, people found our papers in 22 zip codes and 500 distribution points. We had a hard time meeting the demand —  a good problem to have!
We believe with all our hearts that there is a place for quality community news in a paper form. Newspapers don’t require a password or expensive equipment. You don’t have to worry about low batteries or a computer crash. A pair of readers, decent lighting, and a couple of fingers to turn the pages, and you’re set!
For the last 11 years, we may have gone through some changes — a name change, a founding owner leaving, the loss of our beloved columnist Rose Mary Clarke — but we remain committed to serving the information and entertainment needs of the greater Indianapolis reading community.
The last 11 years would not be possible without the thousands of loyal readers every week who pick up the paper and patronize our advertisers. Many of our advertisers were with us right from the beginning, and continue to support our newspaper.
We have some of the best columnists on a weekly basis in all of the metro Indianapolis area. Every week, readers look forward to reading Steve Nicewanger, Linda Kennett, Steve Barnett, C.J. Woods, Al Hunter, and Brian Howey. We work hard to find information that is useful to a wide audience who are interested in their community but don’t have the time (or inclination) to hunt through social media posts or search engine results.
This past year, we were honored by the Irvington Community Council with a Founder’s Award for our commitment to keeping community information accessible to everyone. We were truly humbled by this award.
At the same time, this last year has been especially challenging for us. A few local papers have ceased publication, and everyone in publishing is feeling the stress of fewer print advertisers and higher expenses. The best thing our readers can do for us is to continue to support our advertisers and make it clear you saw it in the Weekly View. Small businesses can also help by advertising with us — we have affordable rates and packages to get your message out!
We’re looking forward to celebrating a dozen years!