Book Review: Slaying the Debt Dragon by Cherie Lowe

Cherie Lowe’s book, Slaying the Debt Dragon: How One Family Conquered Their Money Monster and Found an Inspired Happily Ever After, starts with the birth and growth of the family’s Debt Dragon. They lived and spent without an economic plan. They lived from paycheck to paycheck. When the brakes went out, they charged the repairs. When someone was ill, they charged the medical costs. Too exhausted to cook, they charged drive through dinners. After a few years, even without buying fancy jewelry, vacations or other luxuries, they owed more than $127,000.
Cherie then discusses how they realized the dragon hovered around their world, challenging their security. What did Cherie and her husband do to slay the dragon? The remainder of the book describes the process. They prayed, discussed, simplified their life, budgeted and aggressively paid off bills. In short, they changed their behavior.
Cherie divides the book into easily read chapters on topics such as budgets, grocery store strategies and back to school strategies. Her witty conversational style enlivens this possibly boring topic. Each chapter closes with a list of doable debt slaying strategies. She includes other simple charts such as grocery store ten commandments and instructions on couponing. The personal stories make the reader feel like Cherie is talking directly to her friend, the reader.
Cherie’s deep Christian faith shines through her writing. It clearly informs her life. It does not, however, so overwhelm the book that it is off-putting. Her story of the growth and slaying of the debt dragon and suggestions would work well for anyone even if they aren’t practicing Christians.
Meet Cherie Lowe at the Irvington Branch Library, 5626 East Washington Street, on Tuesday, March 10 at 6:30. Bookmamas will provide books for sale.