From The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, September 16, 1914: Eleven foreign missionaries from last spring’s graduating class at Irvington’s College of Missions have been unable to procure passage abroad because of the war and are returning to continue their studies until sailings are announced again. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Bierma, who were to go to India, already have arrived in Indianapolis and Miss Mary L. Jeter and Miss Ina Hartsook, also on assignment to India, will arrive today. Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Rice will delay going to India and will engage in Christian Association work temporarily. The remaining members of the class — Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Rothermel, India; W. H. Edwards, Africa; Miss Myrta Pearson, Liberia; and Miss Wenona Wilkinson, China — notified President Paul that they will return to the College of Missions next week.