Windsor Park Block Party

INDIANAPOLIS — On Sept. 6 at 4 p.m., the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association will hold a block party at 1236 Windsor St.  This family-friendly event is free for everyone.
The event features live music by ydejettrose, Benny and June Mac Wood , Shiny Penny, Pork and Beans Brass Band, and DJ Action Jackson will close out the event with dance music beginning at 9 p.m. “Indy’s sweetheart” Avery Heather Dane will be the emcee and perform.
Food, including vegan and vegetarian options, will be available for purchase and drinks include beer by Flat 12 Bierwerks. All proceeds of beer sales go to Windsor Park for community and beautification projects. Craft and community vendors include Sunday Afternoon Housewife, Body Eclectic, Cachet Hoops, Brookside Dance Academy and more. There will also be free games and activities for children.