100 Years Ago This Week: April 25-May 2

From The Indianapolis News, Monday, April 27, 1914:  There was considerable criticism among residents of the Irvington Park and Emerson Heights additions Friday night regarding the unreasonable delay in city firemen reaching a fire in a vacant house at 101 DeQuincy St. The fire had gained much headway for about twenty minutes, with a heavy wind carrying sparks to the roofs of many houses to the north, before firemen from the Irvington Fire House reached the fire, arriving only minutes before the arrival of companies from the Beville Av Fire House and the engine house at Washington St and Southeastern Av. Sometime ago Fire Chief J. Harry Johnson recommended a new fire house for this district, but no steps have been taken to provide additional protection for the neighborhood. The Emerson Civic League expects to investigate the matter.

If you would like a collection of these “100 Years Ago this Week” the  Bona Thompson Memorial Center, 5350 E. University (Irvington) has the last 3 years in 3 booklets – $10 per set. They are open Wed. 1-3pm, Sat. & Sun.1-4pm. All proceeds benefit the Irvington Historical Society.