100 Years Ago this Week: Aug. 1-8

From The Indianapolis Star, Tuesday, August 4, 1914: Last night, the City Council passed over the Mayor’s veto an ordinance providing for the annexation of Beech Grove and the intervening territory. In his lengthy veto message to the Council, Mayor Bell called the annexation “wholly unwise” and stated that it “will not result in any advantage accruing to the town of Beech Grove which it does not already have.” He also declared that Indianapolis would acquire no benefits through the annexation, but would assume a tremendous additional burden. A remonstrance signed by more than two-thirds of the property owners residing in the territory has been filed in the courts.

If you would like a collection of these “100 Years Ago this Week” the  Bona Thompson Memorial Center, 5350 E. University (Irvington) has the last 3 years in 3 booklets – $10 per set. They are open Wed. 1-3pm, Sat. & Sun.1-4pm. All proceeds benefit the Irvington Historical Society.