100 Years Ago this Week: May 2-9

From The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, May 3, 1914: Crowds of men and women gathered around Monument Place at noon yesterday joining others who  responded to the bugle call in almost every town and city across the country to celebrate Woman’s Independence Day. At the city’s first street demonstration for suffrage, yellow streamers and pennants proudly proclaimed “Votes for Women” as speakers with the Indiana Woman’s Franchise League spoke eloquently for suffrage on the basis of justice to women and the betterment of the country. Hearty applause followed the singing of the National Suffrage Hymn and the reading of the Declaration of Woman’s Independence. The day’s activities concluded with an afternoon meeting in Irvington at the Downey Avenue Christian Church and an evening “Suffrage Salon” at the home of Mr. And Mrs. James W. Lyons, 3516 Central Av.

If you would like a collection of these “100 Years Ago this Week” the  Bona Thompson Memorial Center, 5350 E. University (Irvington) has the last 3 years in 3 booklets – $10 per set. They are open Wed. 1-3pm, Sat. & Sun.1-4pm. All proceeds benefit the Irvington Historical Society.