Tech Museum Needs Volunteers

Mrs. Sarah Bogard, former Tech Principal has been working on the Tech Museum for months, or should I say years. She has collected all kinds of items including yearbooks, letter sweaters, graduation diplomas, photos and much more from Tech alum. She has been working tirelessly displaying them on the second floor of the Arsenal building. With Tech celebrating it’s 100 Year Centennial this whole year, she  is looking for some volunteers to serve as hosts in the Tech Museum/Arsenal in the coming weeks and months. If you are a Tech Alum and have  a little free time and would be willing to serve as a host, please contact Mrs. Bogard on her cell phone (371-0779). She is also still looking for some memorabilia from “recent” times (70’s to the present) so if you would like to contribute anything, please contact Mrs. Bogard or e-mail Beth Aubrey Meyer, or Cindy Lewis Hartshorn, at
The Tech Museum will be open on Alumni Day in June.