INDIANAPOLIS — The Board of Public Works recently authorized the approval of a contract that will make Lakeshore Recycling Systems, LLC (LRS) the comprehensive solid waste collections vendor for the City of Indianapolis. Starting January 1, 2026, LRS will service Indianapolis residents currently serviced by existing vendors in seven solid waste districts. Residents who live in the remaining four solid waste districts will continue to receive services from Indy DPW/AFSCME Local #725.
Under this contract, universal curbside recycling will begin for all Indianapolis residents in 2028. Recyclables will be processed at a newly-constructed materials recovery facility, per Indy DPW’s recycling processing agreement with WM. LRS will work with Reworld and Southside Landfill to provide solid waste, heavy trash, and leaf collection services.
Households currently eligible for residential trash collection will continue to receive service at existing set-out locations. At a future date closer to the start of LRS’s contract, residents will receive new, city-branded trash carts. These carts will be owned by the city at the end of the contract.
Residents will be able to purchase a second cart from current vendors at $65. Residents who have already purchased a second cart can keep it with further guidance to be provided at the time of cart transition.
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