100 Years Ago: Jan. 21-27

From The Indianapolis News, Friday, January 27, 1922: A nine-hole golf course will be laid out on the former Dissette estate, north of Irvington, following a decision made yesterday by the board of park commissioners. A committee of Irvington golfers asked that a golf course be established on the Dissette property since the present golf course north of Ellenberger Park will be plated into building lots by the Ellenberger heirs. Mayor Lew Shank proposed the large Dissette home be converted into a temporary hospital for convalescent patients, but Dr. Everett E. Hodgin, president of the board of public health, said the house was unsuitable for that purpose. The house will serve as the clubhouse for the golf course. Mayor Shank approved of the project since the construction of a golf course would provide work for a number of unemployed men.