How to Stay Fit during the Cold Winter Months

The frigid winter months of January and February can be a challenging time to stick to an exercise plan. The weather is colder, the daylight hours are fewer and a variety of priorities can make it much more difficult to establish a routine. While exercise in winter may be challenging, it’s necessary to maintain good health.
Frustration is especially high for those who rely on exercising in the great outdoors by running, walking, biking, etc. during the winter months Thankfully, there are a number of exercise options available that can keep you in shape, and the most important thing in staying in shape during a frigid winter is the need to stay motivated to get a quality workout any way you can.
To begin, fight the temptation to use the colder weather as an excuse to avoid exercise. At the end of a long work day, it’s easier to skip a workout session if you’re tired, stuck in traffic and if it’s cold outside. You might want to consider switching your routine and try working out in the morning before you start your day. A morning workout gets exercise out of the way so you can relax at night and get cozy on the couch without feeling guilty that you skipped your workout.
One of the better ways to keep in shape during the winter months is to go mall walking. Most people probably associate this activity with older adults, but it can also be a great activity for families with young children, especially in the malls that have kiddie playgrounds. You might also want to check with schools and other organizations in your community that may occasionally open city auditoriums or gymnasiums for free play days in colder months.
If you love to run outside rain or shine, look for techniques on layering your workout clothes so you can get your workout in with your regular free running motion while staying relatively warm. Be sure to warm up with some sort of exercise indoors before an outdoor workout to get blood flowing to your muscles. Cold and stiff muscles are much more prone to injury, so try some jumping jacks or perhaps run in place for a while before going outside.
You might want to participate in a winter sport that you haven’t previously tried. Activities like ice skating, skiing; snowboarding or even sledding can provide a quality workout and can also be a lot of fun to do.
Having a workout buddy is always a good idea, particularly in the winter to help with accountability and even provide some friendly competition.
You might want to try an entirely new type of workout or find a fun class to join up with. Attempting something entirely new and different breaks up old routines and can hold your interest longer than the same old routine workouts.
Staying motivated is easier when you establish workout goals for the spring, such as getting ready to run the 500 Festival Mini Marathon, entering a fitness competition or perhaps working hard to look your best for an upcoming vacation.
One trick to stay motivated is to avoid wearing baggy and ultra-comfortable clothes throughout the winter because they will not tell you the truth in regards to your fitness and the pounds you may be adding due to too many desserts and skipped workouts.
If you have concerns or questions about your health, the health of someone in your family or are in need of a primary care physician for yourself or someone else, please call 317-880-7666 or visit

Dr. Nydia Nunez-Estrada
Family Medicine Physician at Eskenazi Health