World War 1 100 Years Ago: March 25-31

From The Indianapolis Star, Tuesday, March 28: The widespread enthusiasm for preparedness has affected Indianapolis school boys. Fifty students at Manual, Shortridge and Tech High Schools and the Brooks School for Boys have formed a cadet corps and will drill for an hour and a half every Wednesday afternoon at the Indiana National Guard Armory. The idea of forming the corps to learn military discipline and tactics was conceived by the boys themselves. The acting captain is Albert C. Stern, Jr., Co A, I. N. G. Signal Corps. Barnard Haddath, Shortridge, is first lieutenant, and Dwight Silvers, Shortridge, is second lieutenant. Shortridge Principal George Buck is unalterably opposed to anything savoring of “militarism” and no mention of the cadet corps may be made in the school paper. However, Manual and Tech Principal Milo Stuart approves of the idea.