Safe Streets Indy Releases 2024 Safety Analysis

INDIANAPOLIS — Safe Streets Indy recently announced the publication of their Indianapolis Vulnerable Road User Safety Analysis for 2024.
Throughout the year, Indy Pedestrian Safety Crisis tracked incidents and fatalities involving vulnerable road users across Indianapolis. The analysis shows that 2024 was another extremely dangerous and deadly year for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Safe Streets Indy was launched in 2022 and has been tracking pedestrian and bicycle incidents with vehicles. The data they track only includes 911 calls at the present time.
The number of reported incidents tracked in 2024 increased to a record 873. This works out to an average of 2.39 people struck each and every day. There were 189 more incidents reported from 2023 to 2024, an increase of 27.6%
Of the 873 total incidents, 710 involved pedestrians (81.3%) and 163 involved bicyclists (18.7%). 832 were non-fatal (95.3%) and 41 were fatal (4.7%).
August 2024 saw a record 103 incidents, including 7 fatalities. All 7 of the fatalities occurred in the span of just 11 days (August 9-19, 2024).
In addition, the number of days with at least one reported incident increased from 301 in 2023 to 335 in 2024.
While there was a decrease in fatalities in 2024, the number of fatal incidents is still much higher compared to pre-pandemic numbers.
Over half of vulnerable road users fatalities (pedestrian and cyclists) were hit-and-run, where the driver fled the scene. 21 of 41 fatalities were hit-and-run incidents.
According to the map assembled by Safe Streets Indy, there was a significant portion of incidents on the eastside, including downtown along East Washington,  at 10th and Ritter, East Washington from Mitthoeffer to German Church roads. and along N. Keystone in the Martindale-Brightwood neighborhood.
For more information, visit the Indy Pedestrian Safety Crisis Web site at