Epilogue Players Presents “Foolish Fishgirls and the Pearl” Feb. 15-25

INDIANAPOLIS — Epilogue Players will present Foolish Fishgirls and the Pearl by Barbara Pease Weber and directed by Kelly Keller. Show dates are February 15-25, 2024 with Thursday to Saturday performances at 7:30 PM and Sunday matinees are at 2:00 PM. Reservations and ticket information can be found online at www.epilogueplayers.com.
The story involves two former deep-sea divas, Coral, and Oceana, who didn’t exactly have the “happily ever after” storybook lives the erstwhile mermaids envisioned. This feisty fairy tale explores a mermaid’s life on dry land after true love is found, lost, and found again.
Tickets are $16 for general admission, $14 seniors, and Thursdays $10.