Shelter Dog Graduates as a Service Dog

INDIANAPOLIS — Medical Mutts, an Indianapolis-based nonprofit dedicated to training rescue dogs as service dogs, recently announce the graduation of their next group of service dogs.
One extraordinary canine graduate they are especially proud to introduce is Valentine. Valentine is a shelter dog who was rescued from Nashville Metro Animal Services. Despite his initial hardships, including emaciation, an injured tail, and heartworm infection, Valentine’s incredible spirit shone through. The Director of Evaluations and Education recognized his exceptional temperament and believed he had the potential to become a service dog with the right care and training.
Upon arriving at our facility, Valentine received the necessary medical treatments, including a partial tail amputation and heartworm treatment. With a clean bill of health, he began his journey towards becoming a service dog. Through months of rigorous and ethical training, Valentine excelled in his development. He was united with the person he will support, and together, they graduated as a team.
At Medical Mutts Service Dogs, they firmly believe in the potential of rescue dogs. They see the remarkable qualities these dogs possess and their ability to transform lives. By providing them with a second chance, they empower them to lead fulfilling lives as service dogs. The success stories we witness are a testament to the life-saving partnerships that underpin our organization.
To learn more about Medical Mutts and our work, please visit