Indy Parks Invests $5 Million in Kennedy-King Memorial Site

INDIANAPOLIS — City leadership recently announced a $5 million investment by the City of Indianapolis towards improvements of the Kennedy-King Memorial Site at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park. The park is located in the Kennedy King neighborhood just north of downtown Indianapolis and serves as the historic space where Senator Robert F. Kennedy notified a crowd of the assassination of Dr. King. This popular park also features the Landmark for Peace memorial, Still We Reach exhibit, a playground, outdoor pool, and performance shelter.
Using a $5 million City bond, Indy Parks will further develop the Kennedy-King memorial site within Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park. The project will be celebrated as the Kennedy-King Commemorative Site and will soon feature additional improvements near 19th Street down the center of the park toward the existing Landmark for Peace Memorial. New amenities will include a celebration and event plaza, eternal flame, expanded parking, and new walkways and connections.