100 Years Ago: July 22-28

From The Indianapolis Times, Wednesday, July 26, 1922: What will be one of the finest open air natatoriums in this section of the Mid-West is nearing completion at Douglass Park. The new community swimming pool, costing $70,000 (2020:  $1,100,569), has an oval basin measuring 192 feet in extreme length, and 128 feet at the widest point. The depth is from three feet at one end to nine feet under the diving platform. More than 400 bathers can be accommodated at one time. A twenty-foot walk surrounds the above ground pool with offices, locker rooms, and showers beneath. The pool will be equipped with swings, slides, and floats for water fun. Douglass Park is the chief negro recreation center, although authorities draw no color line. This is the second municipal pool completed this summer, a smaller one being at Willard Park.