Horseshoe Activities

With all the depressing news about the pandemic floating about it’s easy to over look what little sports news there is. But for our Colts its been a surprisingly busy time. In his previous three seasons, General Manager Chris Ballard has generally been reversed in the first waive of free agency and overlooked some high profile players, who were asking for big money contracts. Going into the 2020 season the team had well over $80 million in cap room to spend. Ballard wants to keep a strong reserve to resign his own free agents such as Anthony Castonzo which they did.
This year, however, he has been much more aggressive in signing some higher profile players early. The first move wasn’t actually a free agent signing but the trade for All Pro defensive tackle Deforest Buckner. The Horseshoe swapped their number #13 pick in the first round the San Francisco 48ers for the 26 year old who is just reaching his prime. The Colts were looking to shore up their interior offensive line. Buckner is a big plus for the team.
Next was the signing of Philip Rivers who was a free agent after playing 16 years for the San Diego Chargers. Frank Reich has coached Rivers so they were familiar with each other. Rivers signed a one year deal worth $25 million with incentives. At age 38, Rivers is not the long term answer at quarterback but he can act as a bridge until that answer is found.
Ballard addressed the cornerback position next. Minnesota Viking cornerback Xavier Rhodes was signed after his release from the team. Rhodes was a former first round draft choice who helped Minnesota to the playoffs and made multiple Pro Bowls. However, he battled injuries in 2015 and 2019 and that lowered his value. He is a leader and will help stabilize the backfield. Indy’s own Sheldon Day who is from Warren Central was lined up next to Buckner last year and together they form a  strong middle for the Big Blue front seven. Finally, defensive back T. J. Carrie was signed from the Cleveland Browns. Carrie can do a lot of things and will back up Kenny Moore II.
At this time the Colts have two picks in the second round, including the number two pick thirty fourth overall. Don’t be surprised if they use that pick to draft a quarterback. Wide outs and reserve offensive linemen are also on the shopping list. After the draft, when the second free agent waive comes, the team still has over twenty four million available in cap money. They may try to sign some free agent bargains as roster hole fillers as has been the case in previous years. No matter how you look at it the team will have a different chemistry.