INDIANAPOLIS — Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL) recently received approval from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC) to invest $1.2 billion to modernize its electric grid over a seven-year-period to meet customers’ rapidly changing energy needs.
The Transmission, Distribution, and Storage System Improvements Charge (TDSIC) filing, or “IPL revAMP,” addresses the upgrade and replacement of aging equipment, hardware and other assets. In addition, the investment will provide new technology, equipment and systems, which include:
• A self-healing electric grid, allowing IPL to isolate problems automatically and re-route power around the problem, reducing the customer impact and duration of service interruptions
• “Smart” AMI meters and other corresponding technology that automatically let IPL know when the power is out, as well as inform estimated time of restoration during outages
• Replacing transformers, breakers, batteries and other aging equipment at substations to meet local energy demands
The Order does not approve new customer rates. IPL plans to file its initial cost recovery request by July 1, 2020. Furthermore, IPL anticipates its transformative grid investment will support an estimated 880 jobs annually in Marion County. As a result, IPL customers should expect to see crews and contractors working throughout the service territory to replace equipment. Customers can view project progress, as well as impacts to their neighborhoods online at