INDIANAPOLIS — The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) will host a series of community listening sessions aimed at gathering feedback on a draft policy for body worn cameras.
The feasibility study of body worn cameras will include an extensive community engagement process that kicks off with the community listening sessions and also includes a secure, web-based survey sponsored, created, and maintained by the IUPUI School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA). Residents can access the survey at, which will be used to garner the community’s opinions on body-worn cameras, the technology used during the study period, and other related factors. At a later date a second round of community listening sessions will be announced to allow IUPUI SPEA to share survey results directly with community members.
A community listening session will be held in each IMPD district during the first half of March. The schedule is:
• North District, March 12 at 7 p.m. at Zion Hope Baptist Church, 5950 E. 46th
• East District on March 14 at 6 p.m. at Eastern Star Baptist Church, J229 – 2nd Floor of Jewel Conference Center, use north entrance, 5750 E. 30th
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