My 50th High School Reunion from Tech High School is this year (Class of ‘67) and I’m on the reunion committee. Our committee is small so decision making has been easy — the more people, the more time spent making choices.
Tech in the 60s was enormous — 5,400 students on a 76 acre campus with 10 buildings! It was and still is a beautiful campus. They’ve added several new buildings and a fountain in the middle where the “square” use to be. The buildings have been restored and it’s still a great school! Alumni Day is June 10th and the buildings will be open for touring. Our reunion is Friday, June 9th at Primo South (dinner, music and fun)
I was on the 20th reunion committee (our first reunion) because a grade school friend contacted me and said she had a computer and time to work on it. That first reunion was well attended and seeing the “plain Jane” turn into a glamorous lady was a sight to see! To read in the reunion booklet that the most popular couple were happy to finally get indoor plumbing was surprising. Also the head cheerleader got the prize for the “Most Gray Hair” and that was somehow satisfying.
If you get an invitation to go to your high school reunion don’t dismiss it, because you think you’re still in contact with anyone you really wanted to be in contact with — but Facebook doesn’t let you know that person, just what they had for dinner last night. Reconnect with those who you lost contact with and make new friends with people who grew up in the same time period, who have the same background as you do. They’ve all aged, too — some better than others. If you are divorced or a widower, where better to meet someone who knows where you came from and appreciates the same music? If you are retired, then you can find someone to play golf with or go antiquing with.
We Baby Boomers are really going to enjoy ourselves. For all those from the Class of 1967 please e-mail me at and I can give you the details and registration form. We also have a Facebook page: Arsenal TECHnical Class of ‘67 50th Reunion. If you are from a different year, but have friends or siblings from ‘67 please join us to help celebrate this important milestone.
So whatever school you went to, I encourage you to go to your reunion, you will have more fun than you can image. Just remember this may be your last chance to ever see these classmates, who you’ve wondered about all these years. You’re not that same geeky, pimply faced or gangly teenager, you’re that overweight, white haired, confident, mature adult who needs to meet people and what better place to do it — goooooooooo!
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