World War I 100 Years Ago: Sept 16-22

From The Indianapolis Star, Monday, September 18, 1916: Battery B, Indiana National Guard – the Purdue University unit – has returned to Ft. Harrison from the camp at Llano Grande, Texas. Boys who went to the border pale-faced and barely able to pass the physical test have returned all safe and sound, hale and hearty after nine weeks of training under the Southern sun and moon. “It’s an experience that we’ll never regret,” one man said. As the preliminary work of mustering out began, the regular beds to sleep in, regular tables to eat off, and steaming showers at the fort looked pretty good to the five officers and 143 men of Battery B. Captain Harry E. McIvor commands the battery of men who come from many different states and, with a few exceptions, are all students at Purdue.