The folks at Q Artistry created something unique a few years ago — a gothic musical based on the works of the Brothers Grimm’s fairy tales played out by a down-on-their-luck circus — that captured audiences. Originally staged at the Lodge in Irvington, this year’s big tent is at Circle City Industrial Complex, and has lost none of its edginess in a move to a bigger space.
Ben Asaykwee’s original music ranges from touching ballads to a raucous chorus celebrating embracing individuality. An able cast that includes Georgeanna Smith Wade as the Lion Tamer, Matt Anderson as Kong Clown, and Asaykwee as the Ring Master, plus tricksters, jokesters, tamers, and “fleigenzimmers” sings, dances, and recreates the unDisneyfied versions of well-known tales such as Hansel and Gretel, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Little Red Cap (Little Red Riding Hood).
Despite technical sound and light problems on opening night, the performers improvised their way around the problems to make for a stirring and successful show in the cavernous big tent. With a big cast (over 20) moving in and out of the center stage all the time, the audience is continuously engaged, making the show feel intimate. Outstanding performances by the entire cast keep the audience’s attention.
ZirkusGrimm runs for only one more weekend, Aug. 4-6 at 8 p.m. Tickets sell out quickly, so go online to Brown Paper Tickets to reserve seats ($20 plus a small service fee). Ages 55 and older as well as kids 13-17 tickets are $18. Circle City Industrial Complex is at 1125 Brookside Ave. Call 317-677-5317, visit Q Artistry’s Facebook page, or visit for more information.