Dept. of Public Safety Moves Forward with Narcan Program

INDIANAPOLIS — Indianapolis Emergency Medical Services (IEMS) recently delivered the final naloxone (Narcan) training for IMPD officers. Following the success of the naloxone trial in IMPD Southwest District in 2014, the two agencies committed to train and equip all front line IMPD officers with this life saving medication in 2015. Paramedics from IEMS have conducted approximately 50 sessions to train IMPD officers in the recognition of an opiate overdose, administration of naloxone, and steps to take while awaiting EMS responders. The training will continue with all new IMPD recruits as they go through their academy process.
The number of naloxone administrations in 2015 has matched the 2014 total of 1,063 according to IEMS. Through midnight on November 19th, the agency has recorded 1,063 administrations of naloxone. This number reflects all Indianapolis EMS service area first response agencies that administer it.
Both agencies remain committed to battling opiate abuse awareness and overdose deaths from opiates through the means at their disposal. This program, unique to Indiana, has been duplicated in several jurisdictions, even outside of Indiana.