Teddy Bears Fill Riley Hospital Auditorium & School Classrooms

INDIANAPOLIS — In an effort to keep patients connected to their classrooms while receiving care, Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health operates an ongoing Bear in the Chair program. Once a patient is admitted for two weeks, Riley staff sends a teddy bear to the child’s classroom. The bear sits in the child’s seat until they return to school. When the child returns to school, they can take the bear home.
Through the generosity of its customers, Speedway LLC gifted $1.8 million in 2014 — surpassing $10.7M in lifetime support — towards clinical care and medical research at Riley Hospital for Children. Riley Hospital for Children hosted a dedication of the newest teddy bears on September 3 in the Riley Outpatient Center Auditorium, featuring Speedway executives and employees, Riley Hospital executives and Riley Children’s Foundation leadership.