Dear Readers — A note about our papers

We noticed a few weeks ago that a few of our distribution boxes were raided — hundreds of papers vanished overnight! We know our readers love us, but we suspect that somebody (or a few somebodies) took the papers to wrap things in for moving, or some other purpose. That meant that readers who made a special trip to get a paper for their weekly reading fix left empty-handed. We restocked the papers as soon as we could, and apologize to our readers who couldn’t find a copy easily.
The Weekly View has an extremely low return rate — very few of the papers we put on the streets get turned back to us for recycling. (We have LOTS of faithful readers!) If you, or a friend, ever need extra papers for a project (like moving, papier mache, mulching the garden), PLEASE contact us at 356-2222 and we’ll set old papers destined for recycling aside for you. We ask for a small donation for this service — proceeds go to the Lola the Office Cat Feral Kitty Kitty.
On another distribution note, a few restaurants have asked us to remove our papers. While we had permission to distribute papers at those locations from local managers, the corporate offices over-ruled their decisions. If your favorite restaurant no longer carries the Weekly View, please let the local managers know and get the corporate contact information.