INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) recently released information about the summer cooling program for 2014. IHCDA and its administrative partners provided over 130,000 households with $47.8 million in benefit assistance during the 2013-2014 LIHEAP winter heating season. Because most of the program funds were expended during the winter months, Indiana will not run a summer cooling assistance program this year.
The summer cooling program has traditionally provided a $50 benefit directly to utility companies for households who qualified for and participated in the recent winter heating assistance program. Due to funding constraints related to program expenditures during the unusually harsh winter, households will not be receiving the $50 benefit this summer.
However, summer cooling program participants may be eligible to receive window air conditioners (after submission of required medical affidavits). Visit for information about local agencies that can provide other assistance.
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