Talbot Street Art Fair

INDIANAPOLIS — The Talbot Street Art Fair is one of the longest-running art fairs in the city, starting on Mother’s Day in 1956 in the “alley” between Pennsylvania and Delaware known as Talbot St. Starting with 15 artists who hung their work on fences, clotheslines, and any other surface they could find, the artists attracted 1,500 visitors that first year. By 1958, the fair had 34 artists and many more people showed up! The organizers of the first fairs had no idea it would turn into the major street art fair it is today, with 270 artists from Indiana and all over the nation and thousands of visitors.
This year’s Talbot Street Art Fair will be held June 13 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and June 14 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. The fair takes place on the east side of downtown, between 16th and 20th streets and Pennsylvania and Delaware streets.
Considered one of the best art fairs in the Midwest, the Talbot Street Art Fair has fine arts and crafts, and visitors have a chance to talk with the artists. Ceramics and pottery, glasswork, jewelry, painting, sculpture, stonework — most art forms are represented at the fair. Every year there are new vendors and new things to see — plus old favorites. Refreshments are available at food tents located on the grounds, or there are some nifty neighborhood restaurants along 16th Street.
Because of the popularity of Talbot Street Art Fair, and the many other activities going on in the area (including the Harrison Center’s Independent Music and Art Fair), parking may be hard to find. The Knights of Columbus at 1305 Delaware St. offers parking in their lot for $10. In addition, Boy Scout Troop 269 will offer parking for $5 in designated parking lots at 18th and 17th and Pennsylvania, and in the alley (watch for signs). Proceeds will go to pay for their summer camp and more. Pedal and Park will also offer a bike corral on the front lawn of Herron High School, with donations accepted for Herron High School.
For more information about the fair, visit www.talbotstreet.org