INDIANAPOLIS — Children of all ages and families are invited to celebrate our local international community and experience the joy of reading during The Indianapolis Public Library’s 2014 Summer Reading Program, “Read in Any Langauge,” June 2 – July 26.
The international theme of this year’s program encourages participants to “think global & read local” and open up the world through books while discovering voices both similar to and different than their own. Taking a cue from the action-packed TV show, “The Amazing Race,” young readers are challenged to race around the world, expand their boundaries and go where they haven’t gone before in moving beyond their own reading level. Participants can map their getaway strategy and strive to arrive at their next reading destination where they will be rewarded with points that can be traded for global goods, aka great prizes, at the World Market in their local branch. The more books read, the more points will be earned. Additional points can be received by reading from a list of Bonus Books.
A new component this year will involve a drawing for two $529 scholarships good toward a college savings account courtesy of CollegeChoice Direct 529 Savings Plan and CollegeChoice CD 529 Savings Plan. Participants can learn about qualifications to become eligible for the drawing upon registration at any Indy Library branch, Central Library and the Beech Grove Public Library.
Adults also are invited to be armchair travelers this summer by participating in an Adult Summer Reading Program that showcases books from around the world. A reading list of selected fiction and nonfiction books relating to numerous countries, cultures and travel themes is available. Additionally, the Library will host travelogues, author talks and book discussions throughout the summer.
For more information on the 2014 Summer Reading Program, call 275-4099 or visit