HealthNet Launches Vaccination Campaign

INDIANAPOLIS —  HealthNet has launched a campaign to protect Central Indiana Hoosiers from COVID-19 by offering free vaccines and boosters this spring. They will be providing the Pfizer vaccines and boosters to adults, teens, and children.
HealthNet does not require an appointment, insurance or identification for the vaccines and boosters; however, patients must remain at the clinic for 15 minutes for an observation period.
There are nine community-based health centers, and the vaccines will be made available on a rotating basis at all of them on different days and times. In addition to COVID-19 vaccines, HealthNet offers preventative vaccines for patients of all ages. HealthNet physicians and practitioners can establish care, so patients can stay up-to-date on immunizations. For patients without insurance, HealthNet’s teams work with patients to determine eligibility for coverage from other sources. Visit for more information.