Martin University to Hold Open House March 3

INDIANAPOLIS – Martin University will hold a “Getting to Know the New Martin U Communiversity” Open House on Friday, March 3, from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. at 2186 N. Sherman Drive. The open house will showcase the state’s only Predominantly Black Institution (PBI) and explain to potential students the many programs and resources available at Martin so they graduate with a guided path forward and are positioned for higher-paying jobs.
As part of the open house, Eli Lilly & Company has partnered with Martin University to award $75,000 in scholarships to new students — $1,000 each to the first 75 students who register on-site.
The open house will include a wide range of booths and opportunities for potential student interaction with current and former students, potential employers, and Martin faculty and administrators.
More information on the open house can be found at