• Stage Door Theater in Irvington, at 5635 Bonna Ave., is open for business, with the next event scheduled as the Songwriters @ the Stage Door on Saturday, Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. Come on out and support local musicians and songwriters in this new space. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and music starts at 7 p.m.
• Kan-Kan Cinema will continue its Outdoor Series on Thursday, Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. with a viewing of Best in Show, preceded by a neighborhood dog show at 6 p.m. Proceeds will support FACE Clinic. Sign up for the dog show and the movie at kankanindy.com and look for special events. Kan-Kan is located at 1258 Windsor St. on the near eastside.
• Someone has once again stolen the cutout of Kin Hubbard in the park on Emerson and E. Pleasant Run North Drive. The Irvington Historical Society installed the sign and maintains it. Please contact them if you know anything about the theft, the phone number is 317-602-2962. This is the second time this has happened since it was installed a couple of years ago.
• The Indianapolis Public Library has made available the images of blueprints, drawings, photos and other documents detailing the architecture of Indianapolis Public Schools in the library’s Digital Indy Web site. Visit digitalindy.org and browse through their extensive collection of images.
• The 9th Annual Artsquared in Fountain Square returns after a two year hiatus on Saturday, Sept. 17 from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. in Fountain Square, located at the junction of Shelby, Prospect and Virginia on the southeast side. Lots of artists, vendors, and the Masterpiece in a Day event all day. Visit fountainfletcher.com for more information about the events.
• Beech Grove Promoters Fall Festival will be held through Saturday, Sept. 17 at 11 p.m. at 600 Main St. There will be a parade on Saturday at 11 a.m. This is all along Main St. in Beech Grove, with lots of vendors and food and much more.
• Our Lady of Lourdes will be holding is annual Fall Festival Sept. 22-24 with prizes, raffles, rides, kid’s games, and lots more. This is a cash-only event that supports the church and school. Our Lady of Lourdes is located at 5333 E. Washington St.
• The first Mexican Gala will be held on Friday, Sept. 16 from 6-11 p.m. at the Plaza Urbana, 3827 N. Mitthoefer Rd. Hosted by the Mexican Women Association of Indiana and the Mexican Consulate in Indianapolis, the evening will focus on Mexican folklore, food and live music.
• Local organization Feline and Offenders with Affection, Reformation, and Dedication F.O.R.W.A.R.D.) has been honored with the ASPCA Cat Advocate of the Year award for their work of pairing cats with incarcerated individuals at Pendelton Correctional Facility who take responsibility for their care. Since the program began, more than 60 cats have spent time at the facility and many were later adopted into safe and loving homes.
Other News This Week
- Temporary Visitor Restrictions at Marion County Hospitals
- Marion County Jail to be Demolished
- Southside Art League to Feature David Schockley Jan. 8-31
- 100 Years Ago: Dec. 20-Jan. 2
- “The Greatest Gift” became “It’s a Wonderful Life”
- Combo Issue for Dec. 20-Jan. 2
- Passages
- Applause!: Dec. 20-Jan. 2
- The Beatles Hit the Brakes at Walt Disney World
- 2024 in the Rearview Mirror
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