Use of Force Review Board Created

INDIANAPOLIS — IMPD Chief Randal Taylor recently announced the approval of an updated policy on use of force reporting and investigations that includes the creation of the Use of Force Review Board. The board will have the authority to review uses of force by an IMPD officer, whether a physical altercation, deployment of a taser, or use of a firearm.
Similar to the existing Firearms Review Board, and consistent with the Merit Law, the Use of Force Review Board will not have the authority to recommend discipline but will instead make an advisory finding which will be limited to determining whether the officer’s actions were within departmental policy. When the Use of Force Review Board is ready to review incidents, it will replace the Firearms Review Board, and will conduct a mandatory hearing for any use of deadly force against a person. The Chief of Police will have final authority to recommend discipline, subject to the oversight of the Civilian Police Merit Board.
The Use of Force Review Board will be made up of merit-ranked officers as well as civilian members. Civilian members must not have been formerly employed by a police department, may not have immediate family members who are presently or were formerly employed by a police department, and may not have a felony conviction. Prior to appointment, civilian members will be required to complete training that covers use of force, IMPD general orders, applicable Merit Laws, and the IMPD training curriculum, as well as participate in twenty-four hours of ride-alongs and graduate from the Citizen’s Police Academy. Continuing education will also be required.