Salvation Army Launches Red Kettle Campaign

INDIANAPOLIS — The Salvation Army is officially launching a new peer-to-peer fundraising campaign that invites the public to take an active role in supporting the organization. The Virtual Red Kettle Campaign has a goal of raising $250,000 online through the platform, which allows supporters to create their own virtual Red Kettle with a personal fundraising goal. The campaign runs through the end of the year.
Central Indiana residents, businesses, churches, and other organizations are encouraged to support The Salvation Army’s fundraising efforts this holiday season by participating in the Virtual Red Kettle Campaign. There are many ways to get involved, whether as an individual “virtual bell ringer” or as part of a fundraising team.
Visit and create your own virtual kettle with a fundraising goal of your choice, whether that’s $50 or $5,000. Setting up a fundraising page takes just minutes. Once set up, just send the link to your friends, family, and co-workers and ask that they make small donations and share the link with others.
Or you can join up with your co-workers, church group, service club, or extended family to create a Virtual Red Kettle team. Set your team goal and then engage in friendly competition to reach that goal.
Virtual Red Kettles are designed to create new ways for the public to give to The Salvation Army, even if they never come across a bell ringer during the holiday season. The funds raised through The Salvation Army’s iconic Red Kettles are at risk this year due to COVID-19 while requests for services are at an all-time high. The Salvation Army could see up to a 50 percent decrease in funds raised nationally through traditional Red Kettles because of the closing of many retail stores, shoppers no longer carrying cash, and a drop in foot traffic.
Red Kettles will still make an appearance this holiday season. Volunteer bell ringers are needed more than ever as many regular volunteers for The Salvation Army are having to stay home because of the pandemic. Volunteers are encouraged visit and sign up for a 2-hour shift at their favorite nearby location. Learn more about new safety procedures and what it means to be a bell ringer by visiting