IMPD raises over $32,000 in the “We Are Tougher Than Cancer” Fall Fundraiser

INDIANAPOLIS — Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officers raise $32,120.45 from over 700 donors during the “We Are Tougher Than Cancer” Fall fundraiser.
Through the months of October and November IMPD officers who donated to the fundraiser were authorized by Chief Bryan Roach to grow a beard, wear a pink shirt under their uniform shirt, or both. This helped engage the community in a meaningful way and spark conversations about cancer awareness. Three IMPD marked patrol cars were also given special wraps. Two of the cars were assigned to specific officers that had been personally impacted by cancer, while the third car traveled from district to district and was used at community events.
The money raised was distributed to the Little Red Door Cancer Agency, Indiana Women in Need, and IMPD Wounded Guardians.
Each organization is locally based and money will be used to assist those in need during difficult times. Services provided range from transportation to specialized therapies. The Indy Public Safety Foundation (IPSF) partnered in the project to collect the donations and raised additional funds from special items on