INDIANAPOLI — On Saturday, Oct. 29, Eskenazi Health Center Cottage Corner, the Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police and community organizations are partnering to present the 21st annual Eskenazi Health Center Cottage Corner Health Fair.
The Eskenazi Health Center Cottage Corner Health Fair will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Eskenazi Health Center Cottage Corner, 1434 S. Shelby St. in Indianapolis. Health screenings provided at no cost include blood pressure and dental screenings, as well as a limited number of flu vaccines. Fountain Square Eye Clinic will also be providing free glaucoma eye screenings.
To mark the day, Halloween trick-or-treat snacks will be provided by Eskenazi Health Food & Nutrition Services. Free parking and activities will also be available, compliments of the Indianapolis Fraternal Order of Police, located across the street from the health center. Indy Eleven will be at the health fair handing out prizes and giveaways. Prairie Farms will be donating 300 cartons of white, chocolate and strawberry milk for the event. There will also be staff members from the Eskenazi Health Pharmacy available to take unwanted non-narcotic medications for disposal.