25 Days of the Arts at Ricks Center of the Arts Begins Aug. 10

GREENFIELD — Art forms found in Hancock County Indiana. will be shown on the screen of H. J. Rick’s Center for the Arts, 122 W. Main St., Greenfield. on Aug. 10 at 2 p.m. The public is invited to this one-time showing with free will donations accepted.
Sculpture artist Kevin Titzer and 25 artists throughout Hancock Count have created stories of their art forms. This event takes place on Saturday, Aug. 10, from 2 – 4 p.m. at the Center
There will also be a showing of a film of Kevin Titzer on a race against time as he creates a monumental art installation, captured by documentary filmmaker Jordan Barclay in a mesmerizing journey of gathering materials. Kevin only had two weeks to complete a large art installation at the University of Southern Indiana’s Pace McCutchan Gallery. Witness the entire process as Titzer scours the local area for materials, then assembles the art installation, all while the countdown to completion ticks away.