INDIANAPOLIS — More than 2,780 Indianapolis Public School (IPS) students will have easier access to physical and digital resources in the classroom as eight new IPS schools join The Indianapolis Public Library’s Shared System in the fall of 2023.
The IPS libraries entering the Shared System are Francis W. Parker Montessori #51, Center for Inquiry #70, Theodore Potter #74, Carl Wilde #79, Merle Sidener Gifted Academy, George Washington Carver Montessori School #87, Harshman Middle School, and Thomas Gregg Neighborhood School. By December 2024, 32 more IPS schools are slated to become members of the Indianapolis Public Library’s Shared System.
The Shared System is an interlibrary collaboration between The Indianapolis Public Library (IndyPL), 59 schools, and five special libraries, including three museums. The schools function as a branch of The Library, allowing students to use The Library’s catalog to request books, DVDs, and CDs owned by IndyPL or other Shared System members to be delivered by The Indianapolis Public Library to their school libraries. In addition, students at Shared System member libraries have access to their own library’s collection as well as over 2 million additional IndyPL books, resources, and databases.