• Irvington lost a little bit of its heart recently with the passing of Paula Rominger-Lewis on Oct. 2, just one day past her birthday. Paula was the founder of the Irvington Garden Club, a wonderful piano teacher, and a kind spirit that graced us all with her presence. Her husband Michael supported her in all her endeavors, and together they contributed a great deal to the Irvington community. She battled Huntington’s Disease for years with determination. A memorial service will be held later in the year.
• All Indianapolis Public Library branches will be closed on Monday, Oct. 11 for a staff development day. The Web site, indypl.org will be available to order books and get online content.
• Very excited to see Heartland International Film Festival opening Oct. 7. The 30th Anniversary line-up looks great, with lots of films that are sure to appeal to anyone in the family. The venues, including the Living Room Lounge at the Bottleworks, and the Kan-Kan Cinema on the east side, are great places to take in movies. Visit heartlandfilm.org for a full schedule and to purchase tickets for in-person viewing or online streaming.
• If you’re a fan of Peewinkle’s Puppets, head on down to the Brown County Playhouse in Nashville, Indiana for performances of “The Slightly Haunted Puppet Show” on Friday, Oct. 15 and Saturday, Oct. 16 at 1 and 3 p.m. Visit browncountyplayhouse.org for more information.
• The Garfield Park Shakespeare Company will present A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the outdoor MacAllister Amphitheatre in Garfield Park Oct. 7-9 and 14-16 at 7:30 p.m. each night. No reservations are required and shows are free. Seating is first come, first served.
• RecycleForce, the organization that hires ex-offenders to recycle electronics, is slated to break ground next week at the Sherman Park site at 710 N. Sherman Dr. the 105,000 square foot plant will also contain space for service providers to work on site with employees.
• The CDC recommends a booster shot of COVID-19 vaccine for certain groups of people, including those 65 and older, individuals in long-term care settings, and people aged 50-64 with underlying medical conditions. The boosters are available for the Pfizer vaccine for people who had their last shot at least 6 months ago. Please talk to your primary health care provider about the booster and whether it is right for you.
• The City of Beech Grove will begin its curbside leaf collection on Tuesday, Oct. 12 and it will continue through Friday, Dec. 17. All leaves must be raked as close to the curb as possible and may not be in the roadway or block drains. Leaves in Beech Grove are vacuumed so don’t put other yard waste in the leaves. Call 317-803-9098 for more information.
• The North Shadeland Alliance will hold a Fall Festival on Saturday, Oct. 9 from 2-4 p.m. at the southeast corner of 75th and Shadeland. They will celebrate the grand opening of the IMPD substation opening and there will be lots of activities for everyone in the family.