INDIANAPOLIS — As the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (Indy DPW) continues to invest in new snow equipment, the department announced it will begin accepting submissions from the community to name four new snow trucks the department will receive ahead of the 2021 snow season.
Anyone interested in participating should fill out the form at for their idea to be considered. Submissions will be accepted until August 13. There will then be a final vote on the top 10 names chosen by Indy DPW. Schools, classrooms, neighborhood organizations, and other community organizations are encouraged to join the fun and submit a name as a group. Similar naming contests in other cities and countries have yielded snow truck names such as Snowbi Wan Kenobi, Blizzard of Oz, and Justin Bierbrrrr.
Once the votes are in, decals will be designed with the new truck names and placed on the trucks. The names will be unveiled in the fall during Indy DPW’s annual snow season kick-off announcement.
For names to be considered, suggestions must be G-rated and family friendly. Indy DPW has the sole discretion for choosing the final list of names from which the community will vote on a winner.
Indy DPW is always hiring, including positions that involve driving a snow truck among various other responsibilities. For more information or to apply visit