District Theatre Offers Open-Air Performance Space and New Shows

INDIANAPOLIS — The OutBack Theatre in the Alley, a small-to-medium size 65-seat venue will be an ever-changing space giving a variety of performers a stage and the support they need to keep us entertained.
Entry to the space is through the District Theatre at 627 Massachusetts Avenue from where you are transported to an amazing hidden urban space across the alley that runs alongside the theatre from Mass Ave to Park Street.
Starting in May, the venue will present a summer music series, stand-up comedy, parodies, poetry, film, drama, storytelling  and even Shakespeare!
Headliners on the OutBack stage will include international R&B and jazz performers, Off-Broadway cabaret stars, national touring comedians and favorite local artists and performers.
Coming up at the OutBack includes Listen to Your Mother, the critically acclaimed journey of diverse stories about motherhood; Before the Shadows Flee, a film of the story of Edwin Booth by Ron Spencer, who the community lost in 2020. Visit www.indydistricttheatre.org for times and tickets.