IRT’s Virtual Season Opens with “This Wonderful Life”

INDIANAPOLIS —The Indiana Repertory Theatre will open its adapted 6-play virtual season in early December with the holiday offering This Wonderful Life, starring one of Indianapolis’ favorite actors, Rob Johansen. Focused on hope and holiday joy, the story speaks to the need for connection and comfort during these especially difficult times. In partnership with WFYI, the show will be filmed and available to stream in-home, allowing the Theatre to unite patrons near and far through storytelling.
While 2020 will be the first time in more than 25 years that the IRT isn’t producing the holiday classic A Christmas Carol, the festiveness won’t be lost. This Wonderful Life, written by Steve Murray, is a hilarious and heartwarming reimagining of Frank Capra’s iconic movie, It’s a Wonderful Life and its message of kindness, community, and love.
Actor Rob Johansen portrays the Storyteller, a man in love with the film who enacts and reacts to the classic characters and content, taking the audience on a witty and heartfelt holiday ride.
Virtual packages and individual tickets are now on sale for the 2020-2021 Season and This Wonderful Life. A virtual ticket starts at $30. To learn more and purchase virtual tickets, please visit